Friday, September 27, 2013

Our life in Video

Howdy folks! We leave for Puerto Rico in like 3 weeks!!!! We almost weren't able to go since Dal's mom has been in North Carolina with a brand new grandbaby who ended up having to be in the ICU for a while so her visit got extended BUT thankfully she is due back the week we leave....phew! I'm still pretty nervous about leaving them for that long so you wanna come home and watch them madre?? :) I know they'll be fine but still. Welp, here's some video of our little rascals....Brynn's got lots to say and Jett can do stairs now, lots of fun around here!

So there you have other news except Jett cut his nose today on the same thing that gave Brynn stitches.Dal came home to save the day and super glued it together, he's amazing, REALLY amazing. Sheesh, bad parenting fo sho! Ok it's been ages since I've heard from either of you so i guess that means you're busy and that's good. I've been teaching with the elders some new member lessons and it's been really fun. I've also been volunteering at races around here which has also been super fun and one day i'm going to organize my very own crazy, cool race. Cheerio for now! xos!

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